We wanted to take a moment and let you all know our plans for moving forward. We can meet all CDC guidelines and make sure your shopping environment is the best and safest it can be. Here are some of the steps we're taking to make sure your shopping environment is safe.
My Girlfriend’s Wardrobe has 2 entrances, 1 of which has a propped open door during business hours. One of these entrances will be restricted to entry only, with the other being restricted to exit only.
We will be limiting the number of shoppers to no more than 10 at a time, and plan to have the employee stationed in the front of the store working to enforce this at all times during business hours. Customers will be asked to not enter the store unless they are wearing a mask. Employees will be required to wear a mask while working.
My Girlfriend’s Wardrobe currently has 2 fitting rooms, and until PA/York County is able to move into the green phase, we will be rotating the fitting rooms for use with proper cleaning in between uses. All clothing that is tried on but not purchased will be disinfected before being returned to the floor.
We will be providing some type of disinfectant for customers to use throughout the store and also encouraging customers to use disinfectant before entering the store. Employees will be required to use disinfectant in between assisting customers, and also required to wash hands before starting work. Employees will be encouraged to wash hands between customers when possible in place of using disinfectant.
Posters will be placed throughout the store encouraging customers to adhere to the 6ft social distancing, and to use hand sanitizer/disinfectant wipes. Where possible some type of floor markers will be placed.
All high contact areas such as door knobs, sides of doors, checkout counter, etc will be cleaned every hour, more when possible. Things like our POS tablet screen, stylus, etc will be cleaned between each customer. Customers will be encouraged to swipe or dip their own cards for minimal contact. We also will not require you to sign for credit card purchases.
A partition has also been installed at checkout to provide a barrier between customer and employee.